Hartford Office
75 Charter Oak Avenue
Suite 1-103
Hartford, CT 06106
Stamford Office
700 Canal Street
5th Floor
Stamford, CT 06902
© 2023 CT Green Bank. All Rights Reserved.
The Green Bank has identified a number of societal benefits, including our E4 (energy, environmental, economy, equity) metrics, that accrue from the installation and operation of clean energy projects. We collaborate with other parties to prepare reports that quantify those benefits and thus demonstrate more of the value that these projects deliver.
In 2020, the first Clean Energy Industry Report for Connecticut was produced by the Connecticut Green Bank, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Eversource, and United Illuminating, Southern Connecticut Gas and Connecticut Natural Gas, subsidiaries of AVANGRID Inc., operating through the Joint Committee of the Energy Efficiency Board (EEB) and the Connecticut Green Bank Board of Directors. The report was updated in subsequent years.
To access interactive data showing the impact of our projects in your city or town, visit our MAYA tool.